One Week Post VSG Surgery

As I write this it has been 10 days since my surgery day.

For the first week things have gone great. I still find myself trying to get rid of some gas but it isn’t too bad. As far as incision pain, I have to tell you, it isn’t that bad.

It’s not fair to say that, because everyone is different, but I have had the experience of having two c-sections and that is what I’m comparing it to.

So I had the surgery one Wednesday, and two days later, I was inside of an airplane heading home to my family.

On our way back we did not have a direct flight and although I was a little worried, the flight wasn’t too bad. Of course I felt a little uncomfortable with some gas pain, but overall it wasn’t the worst flight I have ever had.

Once home the kids were all over me to see the incisions and what the doctor had done to me. They know I had surgery (had to tell them otherwise they would be jumping all over me) but the little ones weren’t exactly sure what had happened. My 8yr old on the other hand knows this is for weight loss and he is amazing about it.

During the weekend we went to the store for some groceries and I have to tell you, it kicked my behind. I was exhausted but the end of it. On monday I returned to work. I feel like I did pretty well the first day, but on Tuesday by midday I was clearly running out of energy.

I am pretty open about this surgery with any and all people. Even at work. My son goes to a catholic school and folks know about it there too, and I can see people wanting to ask me about it and being shy; I tell them, ask away. If I have an answer, I will gladly share it with you.

So lets talk about stats. From all that I have seen online, they always talk about the heaviest weight, the surgery weight, the current weight and the goal weight.

Now, before we keep going, my doctor who clearly is a jokester, told me that my goal weight is 115lbs and to be safe we would add 20lbs making my goal weight 135lbs. Boy oh boy did we laugh when he said that. So for now, I’m going to set my goal weight to something I have not been in a very long time but not that crazy of a number.

Without any further delay, here are my stats.

HW (Heaviest Weight) = 280 – this was my weight before I start the pre-op diet
SW (Surgery Weight) = 272.6 – This was my weight on monday; 2 days prior to surgery
CW (Current Weight) = 258.8 – That’s my weight as of Thursday 03.28

There you go, not going to lie, it is very hard to post this for the world to see. But you know what, this is me.

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