We’re back and ready to rock!!

Our vacation has come to an end and we’re back home. We had a wonderful time in Poland, everyone there was so welcoming and Tom’s family is just wonderful.

Our nieces and nephews are just the cutest things ever. We even tried “stealing” one for ourselves but her dad wasn’t going to let that happen.

We visited many places around Warsaw (which I won’t be able to tell you their names). I’ll check with Tom what their names were then I can post about it.

I’m still not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing that it wasn’t as cold as we expected. We really only had a couple of days that drizzled but that didn’t stop us from walking around or visiting anything.

I was hoping for one day of snow and I unfortunately didn’t get anything. The only time we got anything close to that was the very last day there. As if the weather new that we were leaving or something. We had some major frost, but that was it.

To our surprise the weather was worst here in CA than it was in Poland. We arrived on Friday night and that same night there was snow on the mountains and I got to see that. How funny is that?!

Talking about Friday. First I have to say that I really don’t like flying. It’s not my favorite thing to do at all. Going from LA to Chicago was great. We got emergency exit seats (because Tom is so darn tall) and although we had some trouble checking in (our flight was suppose to be at 9am but they changed it to 8:20am) the flight itself was no problem.

Now the flight from Chicago to Poland was another story. The people from that airline were not friendly at all. Seriously, what is wrong with those people? We did the same thing we always do, went up to them and asked if we could get emergency seats due to Tom’s height, they said ok that they would look into it and then they acted like jackasses .

Eventually when we got into the plane (there were two emergency seats available) and Tom asked the flight attendant to change seats. He said that he would look into it. We eventually got the seats, but they split us up. I was so not happy about that. I hate take offs and landing and I had to seat by myself during takeoff. Tom eventually convinced the lady to switch seats with me and all was ok.

Three hours before landing an old lady seating behind us started to feel bad and things were not looking good for her. Luckily the lady who switched seats with us was a doctor and was able to assist her and care for her.

I have to note that man oh man have the seats gotten shorter and narrower than before.  I have wide hips (ok, not THAT wide) and Tom has long legs……it’s not a good combination.

When we flew back we again had trouble with the same airline. They would not give Tom the emergency seats and he flew for 9 hours cramped in like a sardine. I felt so bad for him.

Luckily when we switched airline from Chicago to LA they were super nice and gave us the extra leg room for Tom. I have to say that flight was the smoothest flight I’ve ever had. I loved it. Whoever the pilot was, he did a great, wonderful job.

Anyway, we had a great time in Poland and it was hard leaving them behind. It was a very bitter sweet feeling leaving Poland. We didn’t want to leave our family behind but we sure missed our home, our dogs….our life here.

Here we are now. I already went to see my doctor and we’re ready to start trying again. As of today I’ve already started my injection and I’ll keep that up until next week.

I really hope that we can have a Christmas miracle. Please pray for us.

PS: I’ll post some pictures of our vacation once we get them all organized.