The cold or the flu during the summer??


sick dog  

What is the cold or flu anyway? What is the difference? I sure don’t know it very well in the sense of how one catches it and how it comes to be, but I sure know that I have it right now.

Who gets a cold/flu in the middle of the summer anyway? Well, live it up to me. I got it.

The “funny” thing is that Tom was the one that was complaining about feeling his throat funny as if he had some cotton inside of it and I’m the one that got really sick. Not that he’s not sick, but I’m the one with the temperature and the one that lost her voice.

What is up with that anyway? Why do I have to lose my voice? My co-worker called me at home today and after talking to her she says “girl, you sure sound like a dude on the phone”

Thanks….you’re such a sweetie…I’ll get better soon and kick your behind…hahah, just kidding.

So, here I am on a Saturday morning, laying in bed and doing NOTHING. I was trying to make plans to spend time with my sweet husband, who has the weekend off, but with a temperature and all that comes with a cold, I just don’t see it happening. I’m not even sure if I have a cold or the flu.

So, I looked up online to find the difference between a cold and the flu. This is what I found:

What is the difference between the cold and flu?

The common cold and the flu are both respiratory illnesses with similar symptoms. So how can you differentiate between the two?

The main difference between the common cold and the flu (influenza) is the severity of the symptoms.

Flu symptoms generally:

  • Come on quickly and severely.
  • Include fever, which tend to be higher and last longer (3 to 4 days) than the occasional low-grade fever that may accompany a cold.
  • Include body aches and severe tiredness or fatigue.

Common cold symptoms:

  • Gradually get worse over a few days.
  • Are more likely to include runny or stuffy nose than the flu.
  • Often include a sore throat, while flu rarely does.
  • May cause tiredness, but it is much less severe than the exhaustion that comes with the flu.
  • Do not usually result in serious health problems and hospitalizations.



Even with all that explanation I’m still not sure what I have. It seems more like the flu plus the sore throat. So, who knows. The good thing is that I have been taking Theraflu and other meds so hopefully I won’t be sick for too long.

It looks like I’m spending my weekend in bed regardless if I have the flu or a cold.

I’ll just stay put and let my sweet husband make me some chicken soup and pamper me some more. Isn’t he the sweetes husband ever? Love you baby.