Patience is a virtue!

Patience is a virtue, right? Well, that’s for sure a virtue that a lot of us don’t really have. I have to say that I’m not the most patient person in the world. Don’t get me wrong, if I have to explain to you how something is done or to teach someone or a child anything I can do that for sure.

Now, with that being said, I have NO patience when it comes to waiting. I absolutely hate waiting. I guess that’s my biggest pet peeves. You know when someone tells you that they’re going to call or come to see you in 20 minutes and then 2 hours later they show up or call? Yes, that drives me nuts!!! That doesn’t bother you?

 I guess that’s no different when it comes to when one wants things in life.  I guess I’m a very goal oriented person. When I want something, I look at it and I won’t stop working hard until I get to my goal. I’m not talking about getting what you want when you want it…..I’m talking about wanting something and working hard at getting it. I’ll keep working until I get to the goal.

 That can be seen as a good thing but that it most of the time, very exhausting.  Take this whole infertility treatment for example. It is the most exhausting roller coaster ride I’ve ever taken.  Yes, it’s a roller coaster. You get excitement from seeing your follicles grow and devastation when a treatment fails.

 You get to the highest high when you finally get pregnant and faster then you went up you crash when you hear the words “sorry, there’s not heartbeat”. I don’t want to get anyone tearing or anything…it’s just the raw truth. 

Today, my sweet husband came to me and said “I’m being selfish today” when I asked him why he answered “I want to be a dad now! I don’t want to wait anymore.”

How do you respond to that? I kissed him and with a huge smile on my face I said “ok, which baby are we stealing?”…he laughed as he knows that I’m kidding and we held each other for a while.

We constantly hear “you guys are young, you have lots of time”. That could be true, but that doesn’t change anything, we still want to be parents, and we want it NOW!!!

 How are we going to make that happen? I have no idea. I guess we’ll just keep on pressing and praying that our little one is going to come to us and that maybe now that we have our own little angel up in heaven, that he’ll help us achieve that goal. Maybe he can put in a good word with Him.

 So, today I had quick thought about God and why this happened and all of that and at the same time I remembered my infertility warrior friend who had her triplets at only 25 wks.

I thought to myself, “how can you be mad at Him for what happened to you, when he’s performed such a miracle with those three little ones?”  

I guess that I can’t really. They are the proof that miracles do happen and that our time will come, we just have to be patient.
Today they marks the one month mark that they’ve been born and they are just doing amazing. I can’t leave my house without checking her blog to hear about them, and that really brings a smile to my face every day. 

So, Happy Month-day three little peas. You’ve been with us for such a short time and already made such a difference on so many people’s lives. Even the ones that never really met you in person (like me).