What is Friendship!?

Friendship, it’s not that easy to describe what that means, is it?

I often think about the people that I’ve met throughout my life and the impact that they’ve made in my life.

There are so many different types of friendships, like: Close friend. Best friend. Childhood friend. Intimate friend. Trusted friend. Beloved friend. Work friend. The list can go on an one.

Friends are special people. We can’t pick our family, but we do get to pick our friends. Society tells us that we have to choose one single partner. But our friends can be as diverse and infinite as the adjectives we choose. Our friends, in a very real sense, reflect the choices we make in life.

For me, I like to think that I’ve made great choices in life and that my friends are just great.
Although I am far away for a lot of them, I do think of them constantly. When I left Brasil, I left a lot of loved ones behind and I miss them dearly. My mom always told me that I was a very “picky” person when it came to choosing friends. My brother has this gift, he makes friends anywhere and everywhere he goes. It’s amazing to watch. Me on the other hand…….I do meet people but it’s just not the same.

I’ve made friends with the most unexpected people…….just today I was thinking about that. I still talk, email, and when possible see my first “mother-in-law”. Isn’t that unusual? She is a great, wonderful person and I’m very happy and glad that I can call her a friend.

I think that friendship is a very “funny” thing. There are people that come into our lives unexpected and they leave the biggest impact, when I say that I think of sweet Mamma C. There are people that you’ve known forever and you think that they are true friends…..but when life happens, they show us that it just wasn’t true.

Nonetheless, people come and go through our lives and they leave a mark. I miss having some friend close by, I miss chatting on the phone with a lot of them. I know life keeps us busy and all, but hey the phone works both ways!!

So, for my “old” friends – I miss you
For my “current” friends – I love having you in my life
For my “future” friends – I can’t wait to meet you

For my sweet husband, who is my best friend, I LOVE YOU!!!

To all of my friends, you’ve impacted my life and I’m so grateful for that. I just hope that I’ve been able to do the same for you.

 “Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods.”
~ Artistotle

Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.”
~ Helen Keller

“Each friend represents a world in us,
a world possibly not born until they arrive,
and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”
~ Ana Nin


  1. Ana Lúcia · August 11, 2009

    Oi Wá !
    você é certamente uma dessas amigas que passaram pela minha vida e fizeram diferença. Tenho um carinho enorme por você! Além da distãncia geográfica, nossos horários, atividades e correrias da vida não permitem que tenhamos o contato que gostaríamos. Mas ainda assim podemos dizer que somos amigas, no sentido mais completo da palavra. E mesmo aparentemente longe tento acompanhar e participar da sua vida……. das novidades, lutas e vitórias…… torcendo por você sempre!
    Fico muito feliz por saber que tenho você…… e por saber que você também sabe que estou aqui! 🙂

    Bjo grande!

  2. wtbocianski · August 13, 2009

    Oi lindona!
    Nossa fiquei toda emocionada quando eu li essa sua mensagen. A nossa amizade e muito importante para mim tbm……nossa nao sei quantas vezes eu falo “eu e minha amiga Aninha” e conto historias da nossa infancia.
    Eu sei q estamos um pouco longe mas as nossas vidas sempre foram tao unidas e eu sei q nunca iremos perder isso, nao importa a distancia geografica.
    Te amo como vc fosse minha irmazinha.
    Mil beijos saudosos.

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